Energy Growth and Expansion

We are all healers. No special gifts are required for our bodies to heal. This track helps us to access the divine healer within us, so that we can assist rather than hinder our bodies in their healing process. This track brings forth the healing light within so that we naturally help ourselves.
missing soul
With each life we live, we leave a small part of our soul behind. This track calls out to all those missing parts to come and reunite so that we can step forward with all of our soul intact. Each time you listen you will call for another part to come forward.
follow your heart
When it comes to making choices we sometimes simply don't know which way to go, even when try to listen to our heart. This track helps us listen to our heart so that making a heart based choice becomes easier and clearer.
So much of the time we live either in the past or the future, and so much of that is based on fear, sadness or grief. When we can live in the moment we engage with the joy of that moment and happiness floods our body and energy. This track will help you to stay in the moment and be joyful.
be you
So much of the time we live either in the past or the future, and so much of that is based on fear, sadness or grief. When we can live in the moment we engage with the joy of that moment and happiness floods our body and energy. This track will help you to stay in the moment and be joyful.
Often when we think of stepping out into something new, we feel alone and unsupported and this stops us from embracing new things. This track comes from spirit to help us know that they are with us always and to give us the courage and excitement to step out.
We have held our breath for so long, frightened to breathe in. We think holding our breath will save us from pain, but instead it sits there within us. This track will help you remember the importance of breathing deeply so you can once again take a deep breath and take in the joy.
For so long we have suppressed our light. We have hidden ourselves behind toxic darkness. If we want to build a dream life, we need to dream big, to shine. This channelled track helps us to step out from behind the darkness.
energy expansion
We so easily become stuck in our old energetic state. This track helps us to open our energy so that the old energy can be cleared and then new higher energy placed within us.
finding joy
Feeling joy in life is a gift. And with the world in such chaos at the moment, it is often difficult to find the joy and feel the peace in accepting who we are. This track came after I asked spirit who is it that the world needs right now. This was their response.
This track is encoded with light to help us embrace the possibilities of the day from a place of peace and joy.
We all lack confidence at times. It stops us from being who we know we truly are and just allowing ourselves that freedom to be us. Let this light language gift the feeling of confidence in your own light.
Sometimes we just feel stuck. In our energy, in our mind. No clarity. This track gives us back that spark inspiration so that we feel energised to step forward.
This life can make us forget that we are divine beings full of source light. This track helps us to remember this; helps us re-awaken our knowledge of our own divinity. Listen 3, 6, or 9 times, as you feel.
So many of us find it difficult to accept the love of the universe or others. We cannot believe that we are worthy of love. This track from spirit helps soften our hearts and lower our barriers so that we become open to the possibility that we do deserve this love! Listen as often as needed.