Empowered pathway is all about learning to love our SELF
When we love ourselves we are truly empowered to be everything that we are and feel an immense sense of acceptance about who we are and will be.
This healing package will provide a supportive and nurturing environment as you discover that love is the answer to all you have longed for.
Self-love connects us to the most divine parts of ourselves; it is an immensely spiritual journey to take. Self-love allows us to stand up for our truth, to say yes or no and really mean it because it comes from a place of certainty in ourselves.
To love ourselves is the highest journey we can take. It is time to step past the ideas of self-loathing that you were given as a child, and to know that you are unmatched across the universe and your uniqueness is a gift to this world.
About the healing package:
This pathway to empowerment is a six week transformation back to love.
Once a week we will take you forward on your journey back to love. This package includes these healing sessions:
- Healing with the loving archangels
- Mirror work and grounding techniques
- Flower remedies to support you on a weekly basis
- Past life therapy to clear past influences
- Emotional release work to remove negative feelings
- Powerful energy healing sessions focused on the powerful intention of self-love
Healing sessions can be adapted as required.
The result
A growing sense of peace within who we are and a belief in our own self power. A confidence in taking steps that our heart calls for rather than following our fear. An increased ability to stand up for our own desires.
If you would like to discuss how this healing package can help you please feel free to contact me.
Your investment is £333.
Tel: 07966 528455