Becoming Whole – Aspects of The Self Light Language Event


* The Soul
* The Body
* The Heart
* The Mind
* The Will
Where do all these aspects meet? How do they connect and how do they make us whole?
Science, whilst it has gifted us with so much, it has also created a separation in the various parts of ourselves. Science has looked at us and seen us, not as a whole, but as different sections with each to be treated and healed in a different way; never looking at the interconnectedness of life or ourselves.
It has led medicine, too often, to dismiss the impact that our mind or our emotions, has upon our physical health. When we believe that we are not connected, then healing the whole is impossible.
The future of our health, our holistic health, means addressing this separation and finding our way back to wholeness.
In this first of a series of light language events, based on our health and wholeness, we will be looking at the connection between these four aspects of our being and bathing in the healing and nurturing sounds of light language in order to assist us in reconnecting the missing and neglected parts of ourselves.


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