2nd Degree Reiki Course

Usui Reiki 2nd Degree Course
Become a professional Usui Reiki healer

This 2nd Degree Reiki course helps you to become a powerful and confident healer and to use your gifts to help others.

Deepening Your Practice

This 2nd degree reiki course takes you deeper into the wonderful wohealing hands reikirld of Reiki. You will receive one attunement to connect you to the 2nd degree energy and the power of the symbols used in this level. These symbols intensify the power of Reiki, enabling you to practice healing on others, including animals and plants. They also give you the gift of being able to heal those who are not present (distant healing) and healing on the emotional/mental level.

The Course

As well as learning the symbols, you will be taught several methods of distant healing, all about the healing response, further Japanese Reiki techniques, symbology, scanning, hand positions for treating others and the various ways of applying Reiki, amongst many other topics.

In your comprehensive manual, you will find information about using crystals in Reiki and homoeopathic first aid. You will also learn about the practicalities of setting up a professional practice. After the course, you will be encouraged to present three cases to show that you have developed a deep understanding of the Reiki process and working with others. If you wish to actively use Reiki in the lives of others and deepen your ability for self-healing, then this course is for you.

If the dates below are not convenient for you, please do inquire, as other dates can be arranged.

Private courses also available.

Course duration: 2 days.

7th – 8th December 2023

22nd – 23rd January 2024

2nd – 3rd March 2024

Some private courses are available on request.

To book a course just call or message me on 07966 5228455 or email me.

Download Reiki 2nd degree course booking form.